Aloe ssp. |
This guy was brought as a giveaway that no one else was interested in (seems like pups of this plant have made their rounds of the club before). So I took pity and gave him a home, even though aloes really aren't a strong interest of mine. Someone mentioned the species name, and of course I forgot to write it down :(
Oxalis ssp. |
Not a succulent. Not a cacti. Not a caudiciform. Not sure what possessed me to pick this guy up. Love the red leaves, not sure he will survive long since I have a tendency to under-water cacti and succulents. Normal plants don't usually stand a chance with me.
Yet another euphorbia... |
...neat plant! neat pot!
Crassula ssp? |
I think this is some type of crassula (same genus as Jade plants) tiny and adorable!
Trichodiadema bulbosum - I think |
This guy needs a haircut, but ignoring that - check out the roots on him! Gorgeous!
That concludes my tour of all the new plants I picked up....with one exception, one I am so excited about it deserves its' very own post!
That second last one looks like grapes. Mmm grapes. :D