Sunday 18 September 2011

Faucaria paucidens flower!

So the other day I was making supper, when I heard THV yelling at me to come outside asap. I rushed out thinking that 1. something had died or 2. something extra adorable had shown up in our backyard, like maybe a megalodon or something*.

Instead it turns out my Faucaria paucidens has flowered! Got this one as part of a group of mesembs and lithops earlier this summer and really wasn't expecting anything out of them. What a lovely surprise. The flower looks a lot like a dandelion though - not particularly worth of poetry or song.

* Sadly, a megalodon in our backyard is almost an impossibility given that we live in the middle of the freaking continent....and a million years too late. Sigh, why do all the cool creatures have to be extinct?

1 comment:

  1. When I was flicking through my blog roll, the first thought that came to mind when I saw a thumbnail of this picture was 'why is she posting a picture of a dandelion?' lol! Very pretty, though, and a nice surprise! Although I had to chuckle at THV reaction, as if it would die if you didn't get there right this minute OMGHURRYUPORYOU'LLMISSIT!!!
